Tuesday, December 21, 2004

WoW..... Wasting our Wages...

Well, seems Blizzard has pulled a real boner here. First and foremost the patching utility is crap. Total and utter SHIT! What crackwhore did you assholes hire to come up with this craptastic program? You can't really call it a utility. It's that un-utilizable. I'd rather do manual patching.

You know, I thought Blizzard had a beta for this game. A rather long beta. Why in the blazing hell are they fucking with the game so much and it's only the first month of release? I mean, people are so pissed that Wal-Mart has set up a special policy regarding this game. Due to the high number of returns, they only now give in-store credit, and have ceased stocking the game. When Wal-Mart won't carry your shit.... You know it's total garbage.

Blizzard better wise the hell up, and fast! You have a beta to shake out the bugs, and figure out the mechanics/balance issues. You don't fuck over your customers by selling a game for that much, charging a monthly fee, and not having a complete game.

Roll back every damn patch since release. Fuck content updates, and fuck 'holiday suprises'. Leave the damn game alone. At least it -was- playable.


Saturday, December 04, 2004

New Game, Same Crap....

Well, against my better judgment, I went and got myself a copy of WoW. I get this "AC2 is Deja Vu" feeling when I play it.

Max level is 60. And many are already there or close to it. And this is just scant days after it's release. I don't think WoW will have the same server vacancy issues AC2 had, as there is a hardcore cadre of WarCraft love children. But for those of us that are immune to the WC love-fest mind meld, WoW is not a 'WOW'.

In all fairness, the game looks good. Nice graphics. Very nice quest system that keeps you busy. But, somehow it all seems.... Unoriginal. Blizzard has (in my opinion) taken a lot from it's own formula of making a single-player game, added a few key features from others, and thrown this one out there as an MMO. This game could just as easily have been a single-player game.

Back to this "deja vu" thing.... AC2 had killer graphics. No denying, it was one hell of a pretty game. But what killed it was that they (Turbine) departed so radically from the core game of AC1 that the fans of the predecessor game were put off by it's successor. And Turbine was depending heavily on fanbase loyalty. People unfamiliar with the mythos were rather unwilling to play after a time. The game had several design flaws (not bugs, just design) that made it rather unfun.

I sadly, see some of those same flaws in WoW now.

The game appears to be meant for solo play. That is a bonus in my book. However, that may well be the undoing of this game too. While any game that can make it fun/rewarding to solo vs teaming is a great game... The fact that content stops post level 60 is a real handicap.

I don't think for a second that Blizzard will change this. But they really need to think about it. There is no "cow level" in WoW. And folks kinda expect one these days.

Will keep you posted....

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Time For a Lesson in Government...

Amendment X
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Lets look at that a moment. Let it sink in. Unless a power is specifically given (in the Constitution) to the United States (and by that, they mean the Federal Government) or is specifically denied to the States (individual states, like VA, NY, OH, etc)... Then by default that power belongs to those individual States or (and, really) the people within those states.

If you went to public school, this might be hard but I just KNOW you can grasp that.

Now, think about that again if you need to. We're going to apply it to this next Amendment. You may want to sit down for this one...

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Woah! What's this stuff all about you may be wondering... Keeping in mind this is the very FIRST Amendment, one would think this was a rather important part.

"Hey, there's the separation of church and state right there!" Wrong, sit back down. Keeping in mind that Amendment X (that's 10 for you non-Romans)... It says CONGRESS shall make NO LAW (digest that part, we'll wait) respecting the establishment of religion.

"But, if Congress (the Federal Government) can not make any law respecting religion, then... According to Amendment X that means the States can?" Yes, I know... It's hard to overcome 60+ yrs of liberal doublespeak, but you're doing well...

And this one is really going to floor you. You see, that right there... That one amendment is the ONLY place in the entire constitution the subject is addressed. For decades, people have been buying the lie that there is a separation of Church and State. There can not be one. There can not be a partnership of it either. Quite frankly, The Federal Government can not even so much as rule one way or the other. They are expressly forbidden. And considering they are denied this power, yet the individual states are not... If the state capitol building of say Wyoming wants to display the 10 Commandments, or the Govenor wanted to declare Shintoism as the official state religion.... Guess what? They CAN. What's more, Congress can not even weigh in on that issue. Nor can the Supreme Court, as the constitutionality of it is self-evident. The power rests entirely with the state, and the people of that state. Get your head around that, because there's more...

"or abridging the freedom of speech"

I think left and right-minded people both agree that censorship is a very bad thing. And it's a fact (I refer to the sedition acts of years ago) that left to it's own devices, the Federal Government would engage in it wholesale. But let's look at this a little closer.

You have the right to express your opinion. You have the right to say you disagree with the policies/beliefs/actions of someone in power. We've seen a multitude of those in the entertainment business express themselves in a manner that is (to be polite) counter to such as the current administration. These people still walk the streets free this very day. No governmental retribution has occurred. However, being entertainers.. Their livelihood is dependent on people paying for the things they produce, be it concerts, movies, books, etc.

When people like the Dixie Chicks spoke out, I applaud their convictions. I strongly disagree, but I'll defend their right to say it. However, that in mind... I also will defend my rights, as well as the rights of anyone else to express their displeasure. And for entertainers, that typically results in a decrease of revenues. Not buying their music, is how I express myself. Radio stations not playing their songs... This is not censorship either. These stations are privately owned, not governmentally owned. And thus, they also have the right to express themselves.

People are under this false assumption you can just say what you want without worry of consequence. That's is not freedom of speech. You are free to express your opinions, but there is no promise that you will not have to suffer (or even profit) from that expression. In a free market society, it is the will of the people that rules. And invariably, votes are in the form of dollar bills.

Now... How do you feel now that you are less ignorant?

'Meh' Looks Better and Better....

Well, that itch to try WoW has began to take hold. So, knowing I would not be buying it tonight I decided I would read up on it as much as I could. Forewarned is forearmed, as they say. And, I have to admit the game has many features in it that I find rather nice. Some taken from other games, some are rather novel ideas.

After reading just about every bit of info Blizzard has, I've come to some conclusions:

1) Instancing, while not new... Is a very nice plus.
2) The resting aspect looks like a power leveller's wet dream.
3) Hearthstones.... Rapid transit back to safe locations is always a good thing.
4) An in-game mail system (Seen in FFXI) is a definite grabber...

However, these things were offset by:

1) A death process similar to the one UO had (i.e. becoming a ghost), only... Weaker
2) A death penalty that allows -negative- XP....
3) Having to go find your corpse...
4) Item decay
5) Level-based game (any game that is not skill-based is inferior IMHO)
6) Patch Method. Peer-to-Peer for patching. Stupid. Blindingly stupid.
7) Segregated game play. Race/Faction... Something that I dislike in AO even.

Of all that listed above, #4 of the first group compels me the most to play, while #6 in the 2nd group makes me look at this game like it was something on the bottom of my shoe.

All in all, I'm still undecided. But I'm slowly sliding in the generally disinclined direction. I'll hold final judgment just yet.

But the second they come out and say "Oh, we're changing X (X being any major game mechanic/game facet) because a) people complained on the forums, or b) we really had intended the game should go this way..." It's hot potato time.

But I Like 'Meh'...

In response to my buddy Ethic's last remarks on the culinary parallels of AO and WoW....


In all seriousness, I expect I'll be playing it eventually. I have even said as much. However, I seriously have been burned so many times that I am now in a holding pattern. I'm sure WoW is a great game. But then, the best game I had ever played went from hit to shit within 3 months of release. Thanks Cryptic, for driving home this deep-seated feeling of gaming pessimism.

I still have trouble remembering why I left AO, but I'm sure I'll remember it in the not so distant future. Online games have lost the magic for me as it were. But we'll see how things go. I can't picture myself going into WoW before Christmas. But again, we'll see.

And to our troops behind enemy lines:

"The steak is cold. Repeat, the steak is cold."
"The cheese is stale. Repeat, the cheese is stale."

Monday, November 29, 2004

Making Progress, Step by Agonizing Step...

Well, my MA is not 75, and my Keeper is 70. It seems like my MA has been in the low 70's forever, but I made a point to push it over the weekend. My keeper has been fat, dumb, and unhappy in his 60's for over a month due to neglect. Tonight I corrected that.

Right now, it's kind of 'meh' as far as the game goes. As I well remember, the middle levels were the doldrums. I think that's why I always am rolling a new toon. To keep interested as the early levels are fun.

I've suffered the same malaise in just about every other MMO I have played.

Ah well... At least every time I go to log in, I can. Been many games that I can't say as much for.

Friday, November 26, 2004

From the Smacktard Files...

Apparently, in the upcoming Update #3, Cryptic (I still say the name refers to their thought processes) has decided that they would remove all mention of the 5th Column enemy group. For those that are not familiar; the 5th Column is a massive organization of Nazis that have been active since WW2. The vaunted hero/demi-god of the CoH world was killed fighting them in WW2. This one group of bad guys has such a central role in the history/mythos of the entire game that one boggles to picture how the game would be without them.

"Impending Europe release of the game announced, 5th Column unavailable for comment."

Yes, that's right. Cryptic has removed any and all references to the 5th Column come Update #3. Statesman claims that they had planned this all along. Many on the forums called BullShit. And, I have to say, considering how deeply the designers had gone into the history and backstory surrounding the 5th... Just to throw it away... All at about the time it's due to release in Europe....


Man I am SO glad I cancelled my subscription for this PoS. The mental retardation of the developers is astounding.

Have you ever wanted to kill a coworker?

I had to work today. And 99% of my day was spent on a conference call. The people on the call, I normally bear no ill will towards. But after 8 hours of listening to the go on and on about this/that/the other in their collective (lack of) lives... I am ready for blood.

Absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder, and familiarity does indeed breed contempt.

I need a vacation.

Am bored Online....

Well, my Martial Artist has just about hit the 'middle levels' in AO. And right now, I'm having trouble gettig myself to level. Right now, I am at the point where the only fast-fast levelling I am accustomed to happens in a Team. And as an MA, I don't want to team. That's the whole reason I made an MA. So I would'nt have to.

Don't get me wrong, I can still solo rather easily. It's just that the critters I can take alone at this level do not give out the 'phats' like they used to. It's just a matter of forcing myself to stick with it and bust through this flat spot... But damn it's not fun.

Same thing has begun to happen to my Keeper too. He's about 6 levels behind my MA. Add to the fact that both are neutrals, and I can't even distract myself from the grind with token farming.

Ah well... Things are bound to pick up.

WoW Opens, Massive Response...

The reponse to the intial release has be to say the least massive. Unfortuntely, for many the only thing seen was this view. Opening day on any MMORPG is brutal.

(Link goes to www.leagueofpirates.com. I can't lay any claim to it's content.)

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

The Great Atlanta Beat-down....

My GAWD!!! For those of you that live in the Atlanta Metro, and had to work today... If you managed to not kill someone (including yourself) this evening you should get a head-of-the-line pass to heaven. Doing that more than demonstrates your 'love of fellow man'.

Today, Wednesday, day before Thanksgiving... Is the 2nd worst traffic day of the year in the metro area. And if you live here, or have driven through it during rush hour then you know that is one hell of a statement. Traffic here is nigh intolerable. During rush hour it's brutal. And since this is a hub of 3 major interstates, and well as a number of secondary highways, the amount of pass-through traffic is huge as well. Add to that all the people trying to get from point A to point B in time for tomorrow's holiday, it's bad enough to make the Pope curse. But today, it was exceptionally bad.

You see, God decided that people just were not unhappy enough. And he decided to give us what I refer to as the Noah treatment. You know Noah... The guy with the ark, 40 days/nights of rain. People around here have trouble not wrecking on a clear sunny day. If you throw a little rain or darkness into the mix, people really have trouble. Make that intense storms, high winds, and the "moon becomes as sackcloth"... And people loose their ever-loving minds.

Average speed on I-75 at 3:00am - 70mph
Average speed on I-75 at 5:00pm - 15mph
Average speed on I-75 today at 5:00pm - requires a new scale. Perhaps microns per minute.

If you live in the metro, and commute to a job inside the perimeter each day, please move. If you ever thought about moving to Atlanta, please don't. If you have to travel somewhere that routes you through Atlanta, either find another route or stay the hell home.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Amazing how fast it changes...

The new organization team has only been rolling for 4 days now. And already, someone has screwed it up. Apparently, some people can not read, and thus want what they want without regards to others.

Screw it. I don't know if I am going to log in any more or not.

Classic case of some selfish individual having the ability to ruin the fun of multiple other people. It's not right, and I refuse to enable it.

Maybe I just need to keep my ass out of online games period.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

New Job a-comin'....

Looks like I might be changing jobs in the near future. I've got some applications out, looking to change jobs.

Funny thing; the new job will be the same as my old job. "Meet the new boss...Same as the old boss..."

Of all the oddball jobs I have had, this company takes the cake.

If you ever have a chance to work for the phone company.... don't.

AO is having it's moments...

Well, as you know I went back to playing Anarchy Online. This time around, I did something completely unlike myself, and joined a guild. And I have to say it's been rather fun. The clan is currently undergoing to rebulding, but the people in it are solid, good people.

Of late, we've started an organization team, made entirely of brand new toons. The agreement is that those toons are not to level any alone. This way, the team stays the same level and we can all team without the issues of level differences. The team was constructed with pretty much the optimal line-up, and it's shown much promise. Plus, the play times are scheduled, with fairly easy to meet hours. I really hold much optimism in this endeavour.

Who know's, AO may be home for sometime to come.

Pardon the absence...

It's been a while since my last post. Sorry, not.

Life dealt me some lemons lately, and damned if I don't hate lemonade... I was getting out of my chair last week, and did not realize my foot was asleep. Needless to say, there is a reason the human animal does not walk on the tops of his feet. I took a step, heard a sound similar to stepping on popcorn or bubble wrap, and the next thing I know I'm staring at the ceiling.

I dont think I broke anything, but my swollen appendage is the color of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich now. Ironic, the foot does not hurt, but everything from the waist down does because I have been walking like John Merrick. (look it up).

I am not an animal..... sober anyways.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

I never would have believed it...

John Kerry showed character yesterday. Instead of dragging the country through another destructive bout of litigation over an election, he put the welfare of the country first. For that, I thank him. And, for that reason I might have to rethink my opinion of the man.

Well, the (public) election is over. By a huge number, Americans showed where they stood. And even though I know the left will not learn from this, I am hoping some will finally realize that our nation has had enough of socialism. As an ideology, it has failed in every country it has been tried. Perhaps the DNC will finally realize that linking itself with the radical left was a bad idea. Perhaps they will divorce themselves from the cancer that has driven them so far from the mainstream. But I somehow doubt it.

I fear the only way that will happen is once the party has completely imploded and holds no more sway than the Greens. I certainly hope that does not happen, as a "one-party" system is very, very bad. Maybe the Libertarian party will step up to the plate. But that won't happen until the drop their morbid fixation on legalizing drugs. While I understand the viewpoint, and to a large degree agree with the logic... The average American only sees a bunch of potheads, and every street corner becoming a pushers' playland.

It's sad too, because they have some really good ideas.

As to the republican party I give a warning: Just as straying too far to the left has crippled the DNC, straying too far right will damage the RNC. And you guys -seriously- need to return to the old fiscal conservatism of your forefathers. As it stands now, there is little difference between the two parties when it comes to federal spending. Only in what you spend the money on.

And finally, to those now in power... Let's hurry up and finish the job. I know it can be done if you all pull together. The sooner we get the boys -n- girls home the better. Not a moment too soon mind you, but not a moment longer than we need to either.

And get that damned Fair Tax passed.... Now.

Monday, November 01, 2004

Some people should not vote...

Yeah I know... I'm going to catch heat for that statement. But it's true. If you are uninformed of the facts, or vote only from an emotional response... It is your civic duty to stay home on election day. You're not qualified. Plain and simple. And you're vote dilutes the decisions of the qualified citizens.

Yeah, if that previous paragraph pissed you off it's a safe bet you need to not vote. How can someone make a choice that will seriously effect the welfare of this country without having a basic grasp of what is at stake, and what their vote might represent? I mean, would you go to a doctor and allow him to prescribe you a medicine without at least first asking your symptoms, or giving you a cursory exam?

Would you take the advice of a construction contractor or a plumber that has never been to your home to survey the condition of where the work is to be done?

People have this ingrained belief that it's their 'duty' to vote. That hell, it's their right as an American! I got news for ya Chuck.... It aint so. Nowhere are you granted the 'right' to vote. Matter of fact, the only mention the constitution makes on the subject is you cant prevent someone from voting on the basis of sex or race. However, stupidity can still be a disqualifier.

And as to that 'duty' part... Your 'duty' is to be informed of the facts. Just to be clear here, 'facts' are not whatever Dan (what cherry tree) Rather and Michael (don't wanna see) Moore feed you. With any source, it must be checked, and rechecked. And even then doubted unless you know it to be true or consistent with what you already know.

Get informed. Being informed is not just watching tv. It's a willful effort to grasp the truth.

And ask yourself... What is the adgenda of the presenter of this information? Does it sound 'right' in your mind.

Had at least 50% of the US population taken that advice... Tomorrow's election would be a landslide. Sadly, we're rapidly becoming a nation of slack-jaw mouth-breathers.

Armageddon comes.... On a short bus.

Some thoughts on events in recent history...

Here it is, the eve of the election. I face tomorrow with a sense of dread. Somehow, this is not right. An election day should at least instill a sense of hope... A sense that a new day is coming. However, knowing my history... And knowing the personality of the players... I know tomorrow will not be decisive. No, tomorrow merely marks a new rash of law suites and allegations.

How did we drift so far from sanity in this country? How is it that we as Americans put up with this crap? Do you think your grandparents would have? Hell no they wouldn't have...

Something happened to this country around the 1950's. Something so vile and insidious that even to this day most won't, or can't look at the facts. That something was the internal dry rot of socialism. It's like boiling a frog. Put it in a pan of cold water and gradually increase the heat. Do that and the frog will never try to save itself. And that is exactly what has been happening since.

Everyday, the "left" pushes the morals of the great land one step further off center. Oh, it's not drastic on a "per push" basis. But moral relativism is a slippery slope. For instance, let's take a look at homosexuals. And please, keep in mind this is only one of many examples I can site.

In 1950, if you were a homosexual you kept a very low profile on that fact. Quite simply, society would not accept it. In the 1960's, with the "free love" generation, things like "if it feels good, do it" were common phrases. Pre-marital sex became rather accepted by the 1970's. By the 1980's, things sort of plated as the emergence of AIDS got everyone's attention, but if you look at the "pop culture" of music and film, suddenly the subject of open homosexually was "mainstream entertainment".

It wasn't until the later 1990's that you began to see an upsurge of "hey, it's genetic...Not a choice" mentality. I'm sorry, but as humans we always have the choice to indulge our carnal side or not. So the "it's not a choice" does not wash. To believe that is to put yourself no higher than an animal. Man was given a brain for a reason.

However, convince the populace that it's not a choice and how can one hold it against another? We as a society emphathize with the "victim" and if you can twist any concept to make it appear a deviant is a victim.... Well you're half-way there.

And looking at it from a purely scientific point... And in regards to biology, it's aberrant. Nature made sex for the purpose of procreation. We see this even in creatures that do not possess the nervous system to derive pleasure from the act. It' s the passing of genes that is the main reason for sex. The fact the higher order of creatures derives pleasure is, in my mind a bonus. Yet it does not change this fact.

And now in the 21st century, we see multiple shows where it's 'hip' to be gay. And even in some, it's hinted that to be straight is somehow inferior.

Do you see how this happens? How we start from one social norm, and over time through gradual change suddenly the norm is aberrant?

In some ways, I have to admit I admire the more strict Muslim cultures. I do not agree with their religious beliefs, nor do I condone the cruelty shown in such cultures. However, I do admire they fact that they -do- recognize how it can all be brought down incrementally, and fight to prevent it.

Saturday, October 30, 2004

OMFG Why wont this asspirate die?!?!?

Taken from the Matt Drudge Report:

CRONKITE: KARL ROVE BEHIND BIN LADEN TAPE? Sat Oct 30 2004 16:31:19 ET Former CBSNEWS anchorman Walter Cronkite believes Bush adviser Karl Rove is possibly behind the new Bin Laden tape. Cronkite made the startling comments late Friday during an interview on CNN. Somewhat smiling, Cronkite said he is "inclined to think that Karl Rove, the political manager at the White House, who is a very clever man, he probably set up bin Laden to this thing." Interviewer Larry King did not ask Cronkite to elaborate on the provocative election eve observation.

Walter... Call your shrink. The meds aint working. Is Crondyke suggesting the White House has -that- kind of a relationship with the country's chief enemy? Thaw out Joe McCarthy I say, and lets reinstate the "sedition act".

I am so SICK of this left-wing liberal falsehood.

Debate me on facts... Don't bury me in bullshit I say.

I don't know how to feel about this one...

14 yr old busted

It seems there was this 14 yr old asspipe that liked to make crank 911 calls on his cell phone. And apparently, they caught him. This I think, is a very good thing. Bogus 911 calls cost money/time/effort... And the take resources away from real emergency calls. Hope this peckerhead gets slammed hard.

However, something you ALL should note is -how- this reprobate was caught...

Global positioning technology is built into most newer cell phones.

''The thing that tipped us off was the kids laughing and cutting up in the background,'' Rich said, ''that, and our GPS technology, which followed his trail.''

And if that does not bother you... perhaps you no longer need a foil hat. Does the thought of someone (and lets face it, with the openness of the web these days, someone=anyone) being able to track your location from your cellphone make you feel warm and fuzzy?

I like they caught the douche... Just not happy with how.

And that boyz-n-girlz is why I have yet to get a cell.

Perfect MMORPG idea...

How about this idea....

On average, you pay $50 for the game, and another $15/month to play. What if there was a game out there that was only $25 to purchase, took only 15 min to install and patch, and was only $5/month to play?

Basic gist fo the game would be you log in, and are presented with a few buttons...

1) Find Uber Loot
2) Killed Uber Boss Mob (which gives you Uber Loot)
3) Grief another player
4) You win! (cancel account).

I think a game like that would be much more painless, dont you?

DAoC is rather a slow learner...

From the Dark Age of Camelot: Catacombs expansion website:

"Catacombs marks the first time that Camelot has used dungeon "instancing" where players and groups can adventure in their own private adventuring areas - an entire adventure spawned specifically for you or your group alone. Includes private tasks, private dungeons, and more!

For those play sessions where you don't have much time, you'll have your own content. Private Adventuring is available to all levels and dynamically scales in difficulty depending on the makeup of your group!"

Ummm..... Hello? AO has them.... CoH has them... What the hell took you guys so long?

The entire MMORPG industry is about to piss me off. Sorry, it may be that I am just pissed about that Horizons email I got. Horizons was supposed to be "the way". And had corporate greed and backstabbing not happened, it very well could've been.

Time for me to adjust the foil hat, and get away from the PC I think.

Oh my ribs hurt....

I got the BIGGEST laugh of my life... It seems that the makers of "Horizons, Empire of Suckdom" are asking me to come back.

"We understand a lot of people left for various reasons..."

No they didn't. They left for one reason alone... you people suck. Period.

"We think you'll like the new changes. Your account information is still here, waiting for you to reactivate..."

Ummm.... My beta account?

I did not buy this game. I was a beta tester, and bailed on release. I have to say, this is the FIRST game I have ever done a beta for that I did not eventually purchase. Yeah, it sucked that much.

I don't see myself in Istaria anytime prior to a lobotomy.

Why did I ever leave AO?

I'm beginning to remember now....

Buggy graphics, buggy gameplay.... lag like nobody should be subjected to. Needless to say, the bloom is off the rose now.

Shadowlands expansion is fun...For the first 40 levels. Then suddenly you need to be level 100 to stand a chance. There's no .... Ummm, what's the word.... "Balance" here.

Game sucks, dont buy it.

Now what the hell am I going to do?

Saturday, October 23, 2004

Jesus says so...

I was just clicking along the web today (as God intended) and what did I see? Well, it was this thing about putting ads on my Blog. I was skeptical at first...

"Jesus? Is this what you would do?" I asked...

"Why my son... Yes."

So there you go. Now you know why that is there. ----->

Because God told me so.

Also, there is a neat direct search tool to Google which I suggest you give a try sometime if what I say ever seems questionable. I know that won't see much use though, right?



Gotta pay the rent....

Well, I ordered my 12 Girls Band cd (the newest one) like three weeks ago. I finally got here yesterday. I've been like a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs waiting on it. (And if that analogy escapes you...go pound sand you limp-wristed yankee.)

Just -knew- I should've taken the rush delivery option.... but an extra $7 was just in my thinking then.

Well, as mentioned it arrived like yesterday... and I think I may have already worn grooves into the cd. I LOVE this cd! I want this cd to have my children, grow old, and retire with me....

Man I am happy now.

Ok, show's over...move yer collective asses on for now.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

What the hell?!?!

I was looking online at my old hometown newspaper. Out of morbid curiosity I did a search on the last 4 years worth of obituaries. You know, to see if anybody I might have known is gone. The results were not user (me) friendly....

I have lost 2 Aunts, 2 Uncles, one remotely related (but loved) elder lady, and 3 good (12 years ago) friends to the insatiable maw of death.

And I had to find this out over the internet... ?!?

To what few family members I still have living in Eastern Tenn.... Fuck you all. Not a single phone call or letter letting me know people I cared about no longer breathe? You can all rot in hell for all I care.

And I just KNOW you were all like "how sad he didn't even bother to come to the funeral"...

You're all dead to me.

Sorry, but that's just shitty not to allow me the chance to grieve properly.


You thought I was joking....

Re-record of lame shit

Hope your right with the Lord.... It's getting scary!

Jesus has returned....Spotted a Wal-mart

Duran Duran is back!

I'm not kidding. Call your priest! The end is nigh!

The hell with it...

I had just written (in my opinion) what I thought to be a very insiteful piece.

Guess what happens when you hit "preview" before you post it.....

Too late, going to bed. Will possibly redo tomorrow.


Stella may have found her groove...

But I lost mine....

Well, back in AO for not very long (3 maybe 4 weeks now) and I am getting bored. I suspect the new Martial Artist I am working may be the cause, but I am not 100% sure.

In the old-school AO game... an MA dominated... It would level like nobody's' business... And was nigh unstoppable. Seems they have been molested by Uncle jimmies nerf bat sometime in the last 2 yrs. Keeper was faster in levels.... but I might be biased on that.

Oh well, at least the money is still coming fast.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Hoping she reads her email....

Tonight, I turned a very special friend of mine onto Blogspot. And I seriously hope she takes me up on the idea. She's very bright (gawd knows we need more of that type online) and I think she has much to offer the blogshpere.

Here's hoping she joins us.

More from Jobe

Well, I rolled myself an Enforcer. My guild needs a tank. And, in the old days, I loved playing Enforcer. That is, until I came to love the Keeper class. They are kind of like a 75% effective enforcer, but with a massive self heal ability. While the 25% drop in damage output seems like a lot.... The self healing more than offsets that shortcoming. And, after getting used to playing a Keeper for 58 levels.... Playing an Enforcer seems slow. I've gotten him to level 31, and 2 years ago an Enforcer was the fastest moving, most fun thing I could play.

Times have changed.

My Keeper most likely would be staring at level 100 by now... But, I opted to be helpful to my guild and am working on my Enforcer. My Keeper will stay at 59-59 for a while I think. I want a weapon in the Temple of the Three Winds. And you can not enter there after level 60. So, he's on hold until I can find a team to get me what I need.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

It's good to be home...

Well, I finally was able to return to my humble domicile as it were. Seems like the dog was happy to see me at least. Somehow, my better half managed to set the microwave on fire while I was gone... While cooking ramen noodles. How the hell do you pull that one off?!? She has many talents... And the destruction of technology is one.

I'm looking forward to a nice 5-day weekend. I deserve it after the week of hell I just went through. So much to do yet in the office, but I'm going to let it slide and enjoy my time off. I may even take a day trip to my old hometown to see who's still alive. Then again, I might just stay home, level my enforcer like mad, and drink a lot. I see a coin toss in my not-so-distant future.

On the upside, my ferret is still alive. She's old enough to be collecting social security (in ferret years) and I fully expected to come home to a vacant cage. She's not much longer on this earth. I'm glad she's held on long enough for me to be back home.

I'll write more as my mind settles back into the routine of daily life. Right now, I think I am going to lay in bed, and play a round of "coma".

Back soon...

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home

Well, Day #4 in this hotel room. I find my mind drifting back to the opening scene in 'Apocalypse Now'.

"What city it this? ...Ah shit. Saigon. Why'd it have to be Saigon..."

"...Waiting on a mission... Everyday I spend here I get weaker, and every day Charlie spends in the bush, he gets stronger..."

Thank gawd there is no ceiling fan in this room, or I might start doing my Tai-chi forms in my underwear...

The big project happens tomorrow night, and if all goes well nobody will ever notice. But something always happens when things like this are done, so it's done at night so fewer people will notice. If nothing "major" goes wrong, I might be home by Monday. I fear I will not see home by Wednesday. I miss my wife and kid. I miss the dog. I miss a PC with connection better the 'tin can and string' connection I can pull from this hotel phone line. *sigh*

Well, hopefully my 12 Girls Band CD will be waiting on me when I get home.

Later. Going to beat up the mirror.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Going to miss Jobe....

Well, I am off on another exciting (feel the sarcasm) business trip. What that means is over-priced meals, and hotel beds. And no gaming. Sadly, my employer never saw a need to add a video card able to handle T&L in my laptop. The jerks. Add to that the lack of any admin privs, and forget about playing anything but solitaire.

I'm already "jonesing" for AO, and I have not even left yet. Dang, how can a game become so addictive after less than 2 weeks?

I know why, actually. FunCom finally figured it out. With the Shadowlands release, levelling/money-making got stupid quick. That tends to pimp the power-gamers, and addict the casual players. Reason being: Both see immediate progress.

Back "in the day" prior to SL's release, I would've had to spend -at least- 3-6 weeks of hard running to make 1 million credits. The really "cool" stuff usually runs about 5-20 million. Out of desperation, many will go to Ebay for cash in this game. Then comes Shadowlands, and a paradigm shift.

Suddenly, I am sitting on 5 million credits...with barely 2 weeks of play, and at level 55 no less.... All solo. Old-schoolers of AO are spinning in their collective graves no doubt.

I imagine it's a trade-off for the loot tables of Rubi-Ka (the world of AO pre-SL/Jobe). On RK, you get cash with every kill you make. Not so on Jobe/SL. The only cash there is from loot that you sell. And some critters drop some very fine things. It's a sure thing that for each sack I fill while hunting in SL dungeons.... I will make 300-500k credits easy. Nothing in RK will compare. So, if you are thinking about buying AO... I -highly suggest- you get the Shadowlands booster. It's literally a night-and-day difference.

Anyway, as I can be playing much.... I'll try to update here more. There is a book or two I want to look at while on this trip. Front of the list is a book by Daniel Flyn. It looks like a rather rare/interesting non-fiction read. If I get into it, I'll keep you posted.

Until I return... Keep the soda cold, and your thumbs pumping!

OMFG, you gotta hear these chicks

There is this band of 12 females out from China, and the music... Uggh I can not put to words the beauty. I littereally tear-up when I listen to them. You -must- go to http://www.twelvegirlsband.com and check it out.

I question if I am living in the right hemisphere when I listen to the amazing sounds these ladies produce.


What in the hell is wrong with Blogspot tonight?

After attempting to access at least 10 times... Then publish some rantings like 5 times, I said "hell wiffit".

What the hell is going on? Did blogspot get a worm/virus/Trojan or some shit? Come on, enough already! I don't have too many coherent thoughts, but when I have one... I would like to post it.


For the bored, sick, and mentally twisted....


Hit that link for a rather interesting flash-based game.

553 meters.... beat that!


Monday, September 27, 2004

Why did I ever leave AO?

I've been revisiting this old favorite of mine for about the past week, and I have to say that for the life of me I can not recall why I ever left this game. Well, why I left the last time I mean.

Since it's release in '01, I've played (and quit) this game. Some reasons more altruistic than others. Some not. I really wish I had stayed with it now. With the Shadowlands expansion, this game has really taken off. Less than 4 days, my Keeper has hit level 36. He could've been 50 now, had I not been dorking around. But that's ok. I am determined that this time around I am not going to just rush through the content. I'm going to enjoy myself, and appreciate the journey, versus the destination.

Already, I have had several twinking (when a higher level player pours on money and items to a lower level player in the hopes of making life easier) offers from clan mates. To which, I have refused. I want to savor the game, instead of power-driving my way through it. I think I could easily spend another 6-12 months in this game, just on this one character.

The Keeper class, is a rather good solo play model. And I'm all about solo. It has low-medium to medium damage output, so killing takes longer. But where they really shine is their ability to heal themselves (or the team) effortlessly. At level 10, they are able to learn a perk (something introduced with the SL expansion) that gives a constant healing. One has to seriously be in over their head to die on this one. Most monsters can not out damage the rate at which you heal. Solo, it's a godsend. When a Keeper joins a team, it's downright religious.

I'm looking forward to my first shot at teamplay tomorrow on this guy. One of my clan mates is joining me on an expedition to explore a new cave I recently found. It promises to be interesting.

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Sometimes.... I just don't know...

I suppose the nebulous nature of the internet was the original design intent when it was originally built. In case an area went offline, the others would reroute and pick up the load. However, I still have trouble getting my mind around the concept that entire domains can just go "poof"!

I was hot-n-heavy into a great round of AO tonight. Had one mission to run, and was going to bed. Had the gods of the almighty bit seen to it, that is. Here it is, 2 hours past when I intended to log out, sitting and waiting for the servers to come back online. You see similar behavior among crackheads. The entire AO world seems to have disappeared. The game servers, the forums... Hell even the account registration server has gone bubbye.

Was there a nuke dropped in either North Carolina or somewhere in Europe... And CNN has missed it? I know we got Jeane (now a tropical storm) tear-assing Florida... But the servers for the aforementioned companies do no reside there.

Leaves me scratching my head. I've pinged/trace routed until I am ready to puke. I can not figure this one out. Oh well... I can only hope it will be there tomorrow (today, for you anal retentives that actually look at the posting time on a blog. Losers.) and I can get back in. The mission timer will have long-since expired I am sure, but that's ok. I just want to touch base with my guild members, and see if everyone is ok.

It's rather funny, don't you think... That you actually develop a level of concern for people you really don't know, most likely will never meet, and would not look twice at when walking down the sidewalk. Yet, MMOs tend to have the ability to pull people together in that way. I met two very cool guys from an MMO... And consider them friends. And I worry about them, just as I would a friend I met in real life. I hope they are doing well tonight.


Tuesday, September 21, 2004

David 1, Goliath 0

Well, if nobody else has said so... Thank You! To all my fellow bloggers out there that broke out the sling, and put a stone between the eyes of a media giant. The worm is beginning to turn my friends. And it gives me hope. No longer can big media just spew pablum, and expect the public at large to just lap it up. Keep their feet to the fire guys and gals. You are what makes America the greatest country on Earth.


Can Be Silly?
Counter the Bush Surge?
Covert Broadcasting of Slander?
Criminal, Belligerent Slime-merchants?

more like

Can't Believe Shit....

The Kerry School of Broadcasting

Well, it would seem Dan Rather has taken a page from the "John Kerry's How to Throw an Election" handbook.

First he refuses to reverse his position. (Unless you live under a rock, you know about the forged documents)

Then he says there will be no apology, that he stands by the story.

tick tock

Then he says even though the supporting evidence is fake, that does not change the "truth" of the story. ("The facts, however interesting... Are irrelevant!")


Now, he "most humbly" apologizes for the story.

Looking at how the public has reacted, CBS is going to be hurting for some time.

Back to wearing an old show....

Well, after I told Cryptic where they could stick their game I was in need of a new world to call home. After much debate I decided I would return to my old home of Rubi-Ka. The planet were Anarchy Online (still one of the best MMORPGs despite massive bugs) is placed. Things certainly have changed in the two years since I left. It's like getting the game new almost.

Some things have not changed. I'm still seeing minor bugs/glitches that were there THREE years ago when they game went live. However they are not really game-breaking issues. Just rather confusing to me that they are still around this long after the game went retail.

On the whole, I would say the game has matured a great deal. The quests that I remember as being buggy, or damn near impossible seem to have been fixed. As well as a ton more added. I opted for getting the Shadowlands expansion pack and can not say I regret this. I was in the beta of that one, and it's drastically improved. The thing I kept wondering to myself was "Why did I ever leave?" I know the answer to that. I burnt out. In addition to logging 20-40 hours a week playing, I was also an active tester (AO has a perpetual "beta server" to play test new additions before they go live) as well as a member of the ARK program. In AO, an ARK is somewhere between player and GM. They are players that volunteer their time to help other players with troubles, such as being stuck or having a severe bug (ARKs have limited GM powers) that prevents them from playing. They also intercede, observe, investigate, and submit records in cases of harassment or exploits/cheats in game. One function that almost every player has seen them do is that of Greeter.

When a new player enters (new account, not character) the world, they dispatch a Greeter to sort of ease that person into the world. They answer basic question about the game interface, how to use the chat functions, inventory, maps, etc. It's a really nice touch, and I still say this single act sets FunCom above any other game company out there. The game is immensely complicated for someone just starting, and this small effort makes a world of difference. I'm glad to see the ARK program is still alive in AO.

Back to Shadowlands.... I have to say, AO was always great for it's background music. Shadowlands has even better music. It's amazing how chilling the music is at times, and it sticks in your head. In addition, the art department really did a number with the environments. You really feel as if you are in a different dimension.

So, for the next month at least... I intend to get reacquainted with an old friend.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

On a lighter note....

Looks like Dan Rather took a massive ratings hit. Gee, wonder if the viewing public does not like an idiot for an anchorman.

CBS, better take note. Not only have you impugned your own credibility... But you reduced the credibility of all 3 broadcast news networks.

Gladly though, the "street cred" of the blogoshpere has grown as a result.

"Tell a lie often enough..." and it's still a lie.....

Cryptic... The name describes their thought processes

Well, until tonight I have been a devout follower of City of Heroes. This promised to be -the- game for me. Tonight, with the release of their second major update, they have effectively made me believe that NO company knows how to make an online game.

I knew that my favorite toon would get nerfed to a crippled state. I grit my teeth, and rerolled a new toon. I worked on him a good bit, hoping to get him in shape in time to enjoy the new content. Last night while testing it, I found a deal-breaker change they had done to the villains that they failed to mention to anyone. And the great sucking sound I heard was the fun leaving the game for me.

I even made a third attempt to adapt, and just could not bring myself to go through the drudgery of the lower first 10 levels yet again.

Screw it, I'm done. Cryptic gets no more of my time or money. Hope they are filing chapter 13 inside of 3 months. Bastards.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

And stayed hard...

Well, looks like I was right. Dan Rather has said there would be no apology, and no further investigation by CBS. That the story was true, yadda yadda.

There is an increasing preponderance of the facts that the story is in fact untrue.

The most damning of all.... The words of the "trump card" as CBS put it, in the truth of these documents. Retired Maj. General Hodges; whom they claim verified these documents as being authentic. Just yesterday, Hodges came out and said that CBS had misled him, that he had never seen any documents. They just read him excerpts over the phone.

It's no secret that there is a tremendous liberal bias in mainstream media. But it should really bother people when that bias drives them to producing fictions as fact.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

And my nipples got hard....

Dan Rather eats crow

Can't say I feel for you, oh Danny boy. It's about time your socialist, commie ass was shown out.

Anyone taking odds that he'll give more than a cursory nod to the mistake?

Ah CoH...You fickle bitch....

Well, I hit level 10 on my scrapper build. It's still (in my mind) an extremely powerful build. But I die. A lot. I guess that's to be expected because now I am in the midst of my enemy groups, as opposed to just sniping them from Brooklyn.

I can't wait until I get some damage mitigation powers on this toon. He's going to truly shine by level 28, trust me.

On a side note.... My good friend from many (to many to count) previous MMOs seems to be finding his niche. Good. I really want him to have fun with this game. None of that "oh, you should sample as much of the content as possible" crap in my mind. Just pure, unadulterated fun. If that means me following him around with my high level toon, making his gamelife orgasmic... Then so be it. I'm getting kinda lonely in CoH, and glad to have a familiar face around.

By the way, check his blog out at http://thepiratemonkey.blogspot.com/

"Wonder twin powers....ACTIVATE!"

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Go here, or get a beating...

Fair Tax

Go there. Read, read, read.

Incase you have been under a rock... There is a bill in congress right now, H.R. 25. It's the bill to abolish the IRS, and institute (by constitutional amendment) a permanent, fair change to the current tax laws.

Get educated on this issue. It's important. More important than anything you -might think- is important in your life. This bill, should it pass... Will usher in a new era of economic growth the likes this country has never seen.

Would you like to take home 100% of your paycheck? Would you like to see the price of goods and services drop? Would you (for you older farts) like to ensure Social Security and Medicare remain solvent?

Then go there, read the info, and get involved. Write your congressman, and both Senators... And let them know that H.R. 25 MUST GO THROUGH!

Really.... Go read it...

By the way....

Walter Kronkite can still suck my brown star.

Long story.... dont get me started.

Here's fodder for the mouthbreathers....

Link to a rather worthless statistic

Some supposed "world-wide" survey... stating that the world would prefer Kerry to win the election.

Two things:

1) Of course they do. A weaker USA makes them stronger by comparison.

2) WTF do we care? Since when did non-citizens have a frog-spit worth of say in OUR god damn elections?

Bite me, you socialist, global village sackmeisters.

Damn.... am I the only one that longs for the days of lynch mobs?

November can't get here fast enough....

I don't know about you (nor do I care, as this is MY blog).... But I have had just about an assfull of the current years election cycle horseshit. The presidential election boils down to this in a nutshell: Either a guy that's been doing the job (and well) for the last 4 years, or some penoid commie bastard from Massachusetts. The choice is easy to see. One has been rather consistent, the other has been all over the map.

I don't want another 9/11. If I thought sKerry had a shot in hell of doing half as well as Bush, I might consider him. As it stands.. I'd vote for my own dog (which, btw is a worthless PoS food-to-shit factory) over that money-whore.

Karl Marx might be dead, but damned if he aint still twitching.


CoH just had a smile....

Well, a good (and long-time) friend just came back to CoH. Huzzah! I've been trying to make it as easy for him as possible... Advice, cash, and an open offer to break out my healer to put him on follow if need-be. He's taken the scrapper line.. . atm, the 2nd best possible build. After Cryptic's nerffuckfest happens...It's the top predator build. I expect that release will happen within the next 2-4 weeks.

I'm looking forward to the update, as I have since adjusted... Playing a Spine/Regen Scrapper atm. It's weird, but this build is damn fun. Will be a good 10-30% more fun once the update happens. Me, playing a melee class.... Didn't the Jehova's Witnesses have a prophecy about that?


Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Old friends coming to play?

Got word a good friend of mine might be coming back to CoH. If only for a month. Hopefully it does him right this time. I look forward to seeing him. Now, if we can just convince that hippy brother of his to get off the WoW beta teat, and come give this game a shot.


Monday, September 06, 2004

Let see how long this lasts...

Well, CoH was -almost dead for me. Cryptic (in their infinite ignorance) decided to nerf the hell out of my favorite Archtype. That being Assault Rifle/Devices. They basically took the soul from that build. And don't give me that crap about "this is how we originally intended it to be. If that lie were true, you would not have released the game with this "bug" in place.

I mean, C'mon Cryptic. Grow a set of dangles, and say it straight: "We at Cryptic felt that since a vocal minority complained about how others seemed to have fun, and not need the dead weight, limp-wristed scrotalboys that have the skill of a turnip that are consumed with jealousy... We are hereby following the slippery slope of every other POS game company by getting on our knees for the lowest common denominator."

I had to really fight myself to not just cancel my account. I mean, I don't get it. Are not these companies in the business to provide -fun- to their subscribers? I'm sorry, but after investing 300+ hours of my life into a character, just to have it gutted is not fun in the least. SO... I am retiring that guy.

I went back to my original love. My spines/invulnerability scrapper. That was the first build I had ever rolled, and he has been sitting on ice for month because I had so much fun playing my Ar/Dev Blaster. Well, I have since thawed my scrapper, and have been working to get him going. I have to say, he's not too bad. The first 8 levels rather sucked. The fact I solo almost exclusively would account for that I think. Getting him to level 9 took me forever. Odd thing however; once I hit 9, he took off like a shot. Roughly 20 hours to get to level 9, and less than an hour to hit level 10. Heh, go figure.

Of course, I play this character with a slight trepidation. I know it's just a matter of time before it too is raped with the nerfbat. Nothing that is fun, and you can solo lasts long. There seems to be too many whiney, jealous inbreds in MMOs these day, that think if someone else is having fun and does not need them then obviously the game is "unbalanced".

If you want to feel needed, join the Peace Corp.... And leave my damn game alone.

Sinus headache + booze = bad days ahead

I'm feeling the effects of my bottle as I type this. My magic bottle of liquid lovings... Usually, I would have a nice little buzz going to see me to sleepyland. Unfortunately, I also have troubles with my sinuses tonight. I'm not sure if it's pollen or mold spores (the latter seems more likely, considering recent weather).

One thing I am certain of, this sucks. I -barely- have a buzz, but I quite definitely have a headache. I have been wearing out my bottle of Afrin Nasal Spray©. It dries out my nose, opens my nasal passages, but not for the 12 hours the box promised. And it makes my head feel mushy. Sucks.

What I need is a good plate of Korean food. That stuff will chase off a cold, sinusitis, and even cancer... Depending on what you get. I think I am overdue a heaping plate of red-hot spicy pork. Mmmm...Hungery already. I might go see if the local Korean joint is open tomorrow. I doubt they observe Labor Day.

Then again, as my luck runs.... They will be the only Asians in the USA that do.


Cryptic Studios is like the rest

They suck the lowest common denominator cock just like the rest of the MMO developers. I find it sad they cover their actions with statements like "This was how we originally intended it to be..."

Bullshit I say. Had they "originally" intended it, why the hell did they wait 4-6+ months from release to put it like they "originally intended"...?

Cryptic=SOE. Very sad....

You know what I would like... A company that makes an MMO, and when people whine, piss, and moan on the forums for a nerf...They tell them to STFU or cancel their account. Then End. Period. I am so sick and damn tired of MMO companies screwing with a game after release. Patches are fine, new content is great, bug fixes...Just peachy. But no more of this screwing with basic game mechanics. That crap should damn well have been resolved in beta. Post-release is not beta 5...Get it straight, jerkasses!


Thursday, September 02, 2004


I've been following the convention coverage for the last 3 days, and will be doing so tonight as well. I have to say, this is the most lively convention the RNC has had in years. It makes the DNC convention earlier this year look like a gathering of the dead and the senile.

Am I a republican? No. I can honestly disavow that I am a republican. I certainly am not a democrat either. Both parties really are two sides of the same coin. Both want the same things, they just execute "da master plan" differently. Dems are "pro-poor, big government wealth redistributing", whereas the republicans are "pro-corporation, big government wealth redistributers". Neither party remembers why they are there. To (you better sit down) serve the interests of the people. Not the government, but those who are supposedly in charge of it. Oh, don't get me wrong. There are decent people on both sides. But sadly, these individuals are too few in number. Were the incentive (ie: no re-elections due to term limits) removed, the majority of those we sent to Washington would be less concerned with their own careers/political futures, and more concerned with serving the public interest.

If the congress is the heart of our government, then the Constitution is it's soul. Sadly, too many have forgotten their soul. After the initial 10 Amendments (the Bill of Rights), there are rather few amendments that should ever have been allowed to soil this grand document. The abolishment of slavery, women's' right to vote, term limits on the President... These were good, just, and needed. Prohibition, establishment of the income tax, and allowing senators to be elected via popular vote were at best, misguided... But most were downright destructive.

Woah! Back up the train! Allowing us to elect our senators was bad??

In a word, yes. Prior to the change, it was the legislative body of each sovereign state to elect a senator. Why did the founding fathers do this? Quite simply, you have bodies in congress; the House of Representatives, and the Senate. The House was to represent the interests of the people, the number of seats decided by the number of people living within each state. This was to give equitable representation to 'the people'. Each state was allowed 2 senators. No more, no less. This was to ensure each state government was afforded equal representation within the republic. That's right, the Senate is not supposed to represent 'the people' at all. It is the check and balance placed to protect the rights of the states from the federal government, as well as 'the people'.

Read up folks. It's amazing how far we've deviated from the original intent of the founders for this "Grand experiment in self-governance".

MMORPG means?

For those that play them, you understand that acronymn.

Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game.

Go back and reread that again....

So what's my point? So glad you asked. You did ask, trust me.

I, like many others, enjoy playing this type of game. There is a certain something about knowing you are in a virtual world, populated by other people. Just like the real world, there are no "pause" functions in them. And there is a social element that personally I believe makes this form of game far superior to any console or single-player PC game. With that being said, I want to air a pet peeve of mine.

I like to solo play. Solo play offers a degree of freedom that having to wait for a group to form denies. Any game that makes it impossible (or inflicts a penalty) when you solo is not a game I will play for very long. Finding others within your level range, organizing a group, and deciding what to do is neither fun, nor worth the monthly fee most MMOs charge. Not to mention having to deal with the usual compliment of assorted pinheads, griefers, and "short-bussers" you get in abundance in such games. Most games require you to be at least old enough to have a credit card. Sadly, a large majority of the population consist of mouth-breathing, pre-pubers paying on mommy's card. Having to deal with them is annoying.

So why play an MMO if you solo? Why not just play a single-player game? Don't you think by definition an MMO -should- require you to team with others? Where you dropped on your head as a child?

Good questions, I shall address each one for you.

1) I play MMOs to solo, because frankly you can not get the same thing in the ways of a persistant world, constant updates/patches, and new content like the majority of MMOs provide.

2) See number 2.

3) I hope you reread that breakdown of what MMO stood for. Massive Multiplayer != Massive Co-operative. Pull your head out of that socialist sandpit, and understand that you can have a LOAD of people in something, yet they are not in it for the betterment of each other. I know this concept will be hard for the products of government indoctrination camps (read: the public school system post 1963) to wrap their minds around: Self interest is not an evil thing.

-GASP- Oooooo what he just said.....

That's right. I pay my monthly fee from what remains of the income the government so kindly allows me to keep so that I may enjoy myself. My happiness is not dependent upon the other players. I truely feel that as long as -my fun- does not impugn -your fun- then I should play as I wish. Some game designers have recognized this fact, but sadly most will cave to the incessent whining of those that can not make progress in a game, and thus it must be the fault of the "powergamers", the solo players (because they dont need a team), or the developers for allowing such an obvious "imbalance" to be in the game.

and finally......

4) No. Lead paint. 'Nuff said.

On the air

Well, maybe it's time to put my rantings online. My shopping cart lost a wheel, and the guy with the refridgerator box aint listening. Beside, Elvis, The King (aka: Big E) told me to do it when I ran into him at the Circle-K last night.

More to come.